Fall Sunset Sessions: What to Expect & How to Prep

August 1, 2024

Fall is right around the corner! Not that I want to rush summer out the door, but I’m always ready to jump into Fall sessions, especially sunset sessions! Fall here in the Midwest brings gorgeous weather, stunning colors, and the most beautiful sunsets! Below you’ll find some helpful things to keep in mind and consider as you prepare for your session this Fall ๐Ÿ™‚

What to Expect:

Session: I always start off with that typical “smile at the camera shot” of the family to get that out of the way. Then I’ll move through a flow of poses, fun prompts, and end with couple shots.

Location: ย I drive around at sunset 1-2 times a year looking for new locations. Ha! That being said, I generally have a handful of locations for you to choose from, depending on your vision for your session. We’ll discuss this ahead of time, but think lovely tree line, tall grass, open field, etc.

How to Prepare? ย 

Weather/Location: Midwest weather can be unpredictable. Sometimes itโ€™s warm, sometimes cool, sometimes straight up “grab your winter coat” cold! That being said, while we hope for mild, comfortable weather, it’s important to potentially plan for a bit of chill with layers.


Sunset times vary greatly as we move through the fall months. Here’s a general idea of when you can expect the sun to set during your session (times are later beginning of the month and earlier later in month):

August: 9:00pm – 8:15pm

September: 8:15pm – 7:30pm

October: 7:30pm – 6:45pm

I only shoot 1 hour before sunset, so if sunset is at 8PM, I have clients meet me at 6:45ish so we don’t waste the best light by finishing too early. Trust me on this. By the time sunset hits the light is gooood.

If its going to be cloudy/gloomy, I’ll always offer the option to reschedule. If my schedule is crazy, I usually offer this one time, But you can still get beautiful images without sun!

Colors in Nature:

Important reminder: Leaves don’t typically change until late October/November. It’s very likely you can expect your “fall” session to still be green outside. Don’t sweat it though! This doesn’t take away from your session and I’m on to talk about colors that are good for fall sessions ๐Ÿ™‚



I always encourage clients to wear the earthy tones that I love and know will photograph well, but sometimes clients prefer other colors. I love warm, bold tones so blues, pinks, pastels, light greens are not my favorite. I want my clients to feel good in their photos and feel like “them,” so if they want a different color scheme I will work with them and try to add a pop of color somewhere.

Go to colors for Fall sessions: Bold patterns, Reds, Greens, Navy, Creams, Mustard, Burnt Orange, Creams, other Earthy tones,

Textures, Layers, & Patterns:

  • I love to mix and match patterns and textures. I know, it can be scary BUT TRUST ME. It adds so much depth and boldness to your photos!
  • Layer
  • Hats
  • Belts
  • Cardigans
  • Suspenders
  • Scarves
  • Open button up shirt with a shirt underneath
  • Flower crowns
  • Textured and/or Patterned blanket
  • 1 pattern to every solid
  • Small pattern and big pattern (plaid and dots for example as opposed to two plaid prints; 1 big floral and 1 stripe)

While that’s just a snippet of how to prepare and what to expect for your Fall Sunset Session, I truly hope it get’s you excited and feeling more prepared to get your next family session on the books for the Fall!