My journey as a photographer started back in high school. I was always the girl with the camera. Things got more serious after my friends started having kids and I dove in to learn everything I could to grow. I have called myself a photographer for 8 years now, and though I’ve learned a lot in that time, I still learn new things every day! I am not an expert on everything, but I consider myself successful because I have happy clients and I love what I do! Keep reading to find out what a mentoring session looks like with me!

Why Mentoring?
It takes guts to invest in yourself. Trust me, I know. I remember spending countless hours poring over every article, video, and Pinterest Pin I could find. I hoped to soak up every drop of information I could to become the artist I yearned to be. Looking back, the knowledge and encouragement shared with me by other photographers was what always seemed to stick with me most and propel me forward in my photographer journey. Because of this, I am ready to give back…plus I have a heart for teaching, and seeing other photographers reach their goals and grow in their art makes my heart happy. I’ve also found investing in education is the BEST investment you can make! You’ll learn SO MUCH quickly, making it the best bang for your buck. Plus: it’s FUN!

What it Entails
I offer a couple different options when it comes to mentoring, depending on your needs and budget! Whichever route you choose, You will fill out a questionnaire so that I can get to know you a little better, where you currently are on your journey, and what you are hoping to learn. I meet you where you are and we go from there! This experience is personally tailored to fit YOU. We will go through some of your galleries together, take a look at the images you are most proud of and those you wish had turned out better (and we will discuss how they could have been improved!), and discuss any questions you have. You’ll also get to watch me edit and I can show you some things that may be helpful for you! We can discuss anything you may have questions about. After our session, I add you to my private mentoring group on Facebook where you can continue to ask questions and receive support!
If you want the convenience of staying home in your pajamas, or you don’t live close enough to meet up, this is the mentoring option for you! We will chat online via Facetime (or another option) for 2 hours.
This option is $450.
This mentoring session is meant for those who want to travel to Greensburg, IN and meet in person. You will have the option to shadow me during a session, then we will chat for about 2 hours (you will be with me for about 3-4 hours total).
This option is $800.
One on one newborn mentoring is held at my studio in Greensburg,IN. We’ll have two model calls and I show you how I wrap, angle light, and pose, etc. This process is approximately a 7 hour day of training. We take 2 or so hours for lunch between to answer questions and discuss editing.
This option is $1,000 (There’s so much one-on-one instruction!)
One on one boudoir mentoring is held at my studio in Greensburg,IN. We’ll have one model call and I show you how I pose and use light while directing my client. This process is approximately a 7 hour day of training.
This option is $1,000 (There’s so much one-on-one instruction! Plus you get great options for your portfolio!)
Follow Up Zoom Call
If you want to touch base with some new questions following your one on one mentoring session, we can schedule an hour zoom call if it is within 12 months of your original session.
This option is $200 (for 1 hour follow up zoom call).

Want to Learn More?
Reach out via my contact form:
I’d love to work with you! Let me know what questions you have and what you have in mind 🙂

Get my Guides!
Ready to dive in but not to commit to online or one-on-one mentoring yet? Grab one of my Digital Guides! I’ve poured my heart and soul into these to help you master the skills you need to take your photography business to the next level!
Want to be in the know of upcoming resources? I have an exciting video guide coming out SOON and will be promoting it on my social accounts. Follow me:
Facebook: Crystal Lawburgh Photography