Sticker shock is real, and can be especially so with professional photography. But here’s the deal: You’re not just investing in a product. It’s SO much more than that. When you invest in Crystal Lawburgh Photography, you’re investing in an experience, a memory held in time for generations to come, and yes, a beautiful product. If you need further convincing, I’ve laid out my Top 5 reasons for investing in professional photography.

1. Profession & Expertise
I’m sure you’ve heard someone say “anyone can use a camera.” Obviously there’s some truth to that, but not just anyone can use a camera WELL. Any professional has hundreds of hrs, if not years of experience, studying their craft and learning everything there is to know about their camera, equipment, lighting, etc. That doesn’t happen overnight. Not only do they know the technical ins and outs, but they know how to create a session flow that makes your experience as seamless as possible. You won’t have to think about posing, where and what time of day your photos should be taken, or worry about catching that perfect moment.

2. Creativity & Adaptability
You don’t just want the same ol’ session with the same ol’ poses year after year. You want a session that reflects your family well in the season you’re currently in. A professional photographer should ask enough about your family to understand the vibe and type of session your whole family will enjoy! Speaking of families, kiddos can cause some serious chaos during a session. Whether they’re tired, hungry, not feeling the best, or straight up have no interest in cooperating for photos, you can trust that your photographer is going to get some quality shots REGARDLESS of moods and attitudes. Maybe that means pivoting from your original plan or hanging up location or posing. Whatever it takes, you can trust the process and know special moments will be captured.
3. Not just a Product but an Experience & Memory
Sure, when you hire a professional photographer you want to be exceedingly happy with the delivered product. I’m with ya! But isn’t it nice at the end of the day when you realize you received so much MORE than that?! A professional photographer values you and your business. They want to make you feel important and known. They want you to come back year after year to have them capture you in the season you’re in.
Photos hold memories forever. When you look at photos they take you back in time to that experience. The catch is, those memories might not always be good ones. Say you don’t hire a professional (or someone you personally don’t connect with or trust) and your session turns out to be a negative experience. You’ll look back on those photos and be reminded of that. Every time. A professional who is passionate about your experience wants your session to represent a memory you’ll look back warmly on in years to come. When you look at them (whether they’re my work or another professionals) you’re going to have a GOOD memory attached, on top of sweet moments captured and a high quality product to boot. <3

4. Professional Gear & Editing
Professional photography is NOT a cheap endeavor. The investment isn’t just in high-quality gear. Often there’s education, mentoring, props, wardrobes, a studio space, etc etc. Truly, most professionals spend far more then they ever imagined they would so that they can become exactly who you want to hire.
It’s also not just about the gear, it’s about the editing. You want someone who’s editing is their craft and their art. Someone who is very comfortable with their software and have an established flow to their editing process. You want to be able to trust that at the end of your session whatever was captured will exceed your expectations when you get your photos back.
5. A Gift for Generations to Come
I mean it when I say our family photo albums are some of my most valued possessions. It’s not unusual for my girls to flip through them to find particular memories or pictures. I imagine down the road they’ll be flipping through them with their own children, and that’s all the motivation I need to keep prioritizing professional photos of my family <3